As mentioned in our introduction post, each week we want to provide a sample of the riches and the fellowship from brother Titus Chu, as well as from the saints who have been enjoying these messages throughout the week in small groups. We hope this digest is able to bring you and those you share it with into the riches that we have enjoyed with one another.
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This digest is based on the tenth message given by Brother Titus Chu for the Visions and Revelations series. If you have not seen it already, you may watch it on the YouTube Channel. You may also want to read the outline and relevant Bible verses for this message.
Visions and revelations always lead you to Christ. Yet, we don’t have to take vision as something superstitiously so high and so marvelous. All believers have had a vision already. To be a Christian requires a vision of Jesus as Savior and a vision of ourselves as sinners in need of saving.

“Save me.”
There is not one Christian who did not use the words,
“save me.”
You have said it.
I have said it.
We all said it.
“Oh, save me.”
That is our basic vision
The apostle Peter’s story is a striking example of how a vision of the Lord can grow from something unclear to a commitment that caused him to have a heavenly walk. He didn’t begin with a clear vision. Actually, it took Peter multiple interactions with the Lord and multiple visions of who He was to follow Him steadfastly.
Message Excerpt
Peter had the same experience. He got saved, but when he got saved, he was actually not that clear. The first time he saw the Lord, the Lord said, “you are Simon and you will be called Cephas”. That must have somewhat impressed Peter. He followed the Lord quickly, but then he disappeared. The Lord then came to his place again and called him. This time, he really saw the Lord. You know what he did? He saw another vision. He saw that Jesus wasn’t just the savior, He was the Lord. So he says, “Lord, depart from me.” In this revelation, he also said, “I’m a sinner. Depart from me. I’m a sinner.” I’m happy the Lord’s response to him was, “From now on you shall gain man. You’re no longer a fisherman – you will be a fisher of man.” Now you will preach the gospel. This means there is a vision, there’s a revelation – the vision of Christ I see, the vision that I am a sinner, and then together I see a revelation. This revelation brings me to Christ.
– Message Transcript, p. 3
What does it mean for a revelation to bring you to Christ? As you have revelations and visions, you see more and more of who this Christ is. As you see Christ more, you begin to know Him in ways that are personal and applicable to you. When you say, “I see Christ,” it’s not just a phrase to you, but points at your experience of Him in your daily walk. Some examples experiences from the Daily Bible Verses and Devotional are:
Christ as God
But to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
– Hebrews 1:8
You see that Christ is God, who bears full responsibility for you.
Christ as Man
Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.
– Hebrews 2:17-18
You see Christ as a man, who, in his humanity, fully understands your needs, weaknesses, sensations, all your emotions, and even your disposition. This humanity of Jesus becomes everything to you in your daily walk.
The Death of Christ
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
– Galatians 2:20
Furthermore, you see the all-inclusive death of Christ. This death terminated all the fallen elements in the old creation.
The Resurrection of Christ
That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,
– Philippians 3:10
We can experience not only the death of Christ, but His resurrection in power! How can we who are weak follow the Lord? His resurrection causes us to be empowered and to pursue diligently.
The Ascension and Reigning of Christ in a Heavenly Realm
Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
– John 3:5
And raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
– Ephesians 2:6
When we were born again, we were born in the Spirit, in the Spiritual realm. In this realm, we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places!
Saints, do you see how visions can lead you to a Christ that is more full, more rich, more real in your subjective experience? We have the Living Christ, whose life is ours, whose death is ours, whose resurrection and ascension and reigning is ours too! We can experience the reality of living in the divine, heavenly realm of the Spirit.
- Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh,
As such I’d know Thee shallowly;
Then as the Spirit Thou didst come
Within my spirit, known to be. - In flesh Redeemer mine Thou art;
As Spirit now my Comforter.
The outward touch has passed away
For inward union worthier. - Because Thou art the Spirit now,
Thyself revealing ceaselessly,
Within my spirit I may know
Thy presence and reality. - I know Thy life surpassing far
The knowledge Thy disciples had,
Although they walked and lived with Thee,
When Thou on earth in flesh wast clad. - Because Thy Spirit dwells within,
How real, O Lord, Thou art to me;
Not touched, yet more reliable,
Not seen, yet loved more fervently. - Thy Holy Spirit deep within
Supplies Thyself as righteousness,
As holiness, redemption full,
As wisdom and as fruitfulness. - Thy Spirit in my spirit now
Supplies Thyself, unites with me,
Thus I am all the time myself
And constantly am also Thee.
Hallelujah, we are brought into this marvelous realm of Spirit! In this realm we are surrounded by Christ, we are led by Christ, and we grow by Him to the point that He and we are one. Just like the hymn writer wrote: “Thy Spirit in my spirit now supplies Thyself, unites with me, thus I am all the time myself and constantly am also Thee.”
The Christ
In his following of Jesus up to this point, Peter saw all the same things as the other apostles. How is it that only he had the boldness to declare that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God? It was by revelation. This revelation made all that he had seen alive to him. All of what he had seen of divinity lived out, all the sweet teachings, all the miracles, all became alive in him. It was not merely a teaching, but “the Christ” in God’s plan. It was not merely a miracle, but “the Christ” in operation. It was not merely a kind of living, but the manifestation of “the Christ” as God Himself. All that he had seen, heard, and followed were now a picture made alive in him. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
– Matthew 16:16-17
Peter saw a picture. If I can portray that picture, it is like a big field, a big garden. The garden is filled with all kinds of riches. They were already there, but in that particular moment they were all made alive. All made alive! Oh look at the tree! Oh look at the flower! Oh, look at the fruit! Oh, look at the things growing in the garden! All of a sudden the whole garden is saturated with life. Looks like the birds are singing, the bees, the butterflies–everything was so beautiful, so harmonious operating together. I saw a picture. This picture is not a garden. This picture is a lively garden.
– Message Transcript, p. 7-8
Click this link to color a garden online!
I saw Christ. I saw His teaching, I saw His doing, I saw how He performed miracles, I heard God declare Him. I saw all of this. But, let me tell you, at this moment I realized they are alive. If they all are alive then the one who does them is Christ. He is the Son of the living God. So, brothers, a picture, a living picture, a picture that’s alive, can bring you into all the riches you know. All the conferences, all the trainings, all the things I heard, all the Bible which I had read, all the spiritual books which I had read, all of a sudden, one day, by the Lord’s mercy they were made alive. At that time you can say, “I see Christ.”
– Message Transcript, p. 8
Parting Prayer
As Christians, we’ve all had a basic vision of who the Lord is and who we are. Yet, in trying to follow the Lord, we should be careful that our Bible reading, our meeting going, and our serving do not cause us to forget about the Lord we love. We should learn from the example of Peter and the apostles: all we see and know and hear need to be made alive in us! Take this prayer to the Lord.