As mentioned in our introduction post, each week we want to provide a sample of the riches and the fellowship from brother Titus Chu, as well as from the saints who have been enjoying these messages throughout the week in small groups. We hope this digest is able to bring you and those you share it with into the riches that we have enjoyed with one another.
This digest is based on the fourteenth message given by Brother Titus Chu. If you have not seen it already, you may watch it on the Youtube Channel. You may also want to read the outline and relevant Bible verses for this message.
The Process of Building the Church
In this message, Titus spends a long time discussing the building up of the Church, which is the body of Christ, and the various processes of building which occur. One of the processes is what brother Titus calls the “process of growth”, which includes three aspects: growth in words of the Lord, growth according to every one’s own portion, and growth unto the headship of the Head (Christ). In this digest, we want to focus on just one of these aspects of growth: growth according to every one’s own portion as everyone is gifted.
You Have a Portion
A great truth of the Age of Grace is that we can be a part of the spiritual body of Christ. As members in this body, we all have a function, or part to play, in the work of God and in the growth of His Church—no one who is of the body is excluded. That means you, reader, if you are a member of the body of Christ, have a function in it. This portion needs to be exercised so that it may be developed and so that it can be properly useful to the whole body.
So, brother, you have a portion. What is your portion? We don’t know. Maybe even you don’t quite know. But the Lord put you in the body. He placed you in the body as a part, as a portion, maybe even as a joint. You have your particular meaning. You should say, “I don’t quite know exactly what I am, but I know one thing: Without me, something will be short in the church life! I have my portion and I want to express that portion. My portion must begin to function.” When many saints are, by the Lord’s mercy, growing properly according to their portions, this growth becomes such a blessing. Do you realize, when you give a good testimony many can be moved? Do you realize, when you give a message concerning the gospel, many can be saved? Do you realize, when you share something of your experience of Christ, many will love the Lord because of that? This is our growth. First, we have the Word by having the Spirit and having the saints. Then we see that I have a portion. My portion grows, my portion develops, my portion operates and my portion blesses.
– Message Transcript, p. 5

Family Activity
From the below link, you can print out a coloring page for your kids. As they color, point out the many parts of the body (eyes, ears, hands, feets, etc.). Explain how each part of the body has a unique job that cannot be done by the others. For example, eyes can see, but feet let the body move to new places.
Develop Your Portion

In the body, every member has a function, just as in the church, every brother and sister has a function. And more than that, we are all connected in this spiritual body, so when we each can operate according to our part or portion, the body is able to build itself up in love. It is so important for every brother and sister to exercise and carry out their function. We may enjoy hymns, we may enjoy reading the word, we may enjoy sharing our experiences of the Lord with others, and enjoy designing the church website, we may enjoy cooking for the saints, we may enjoy being an usher and welcoming all the saints! No matter what our portion is though, we need to further develop our portion by knowing the salvation of Christ, by knowing the love of Christ, by knowing the redemptive work of Christ, by knowing God’s purpose, God’s economy, God’s operating, by knowing what the Lord is doing every day with us. In this way, our part or portion won’t just be merely doing something, but it will be doing these many different things with a view of Christ, His body, and what the Lord is doing today!
Too many brothers and sisters unknowingly bury their talents, and may think, “I can’t do much.” However, the Lord does not ask us to do much or little but to operate according to what he has given us. When every brother and sister is functioning in the church, what a blessing! The saints can be so full of joy! When people come to our gatherings they see our love for one another and our oneness! In this way the Lord is able to pour out his blessing among us and we are able to build the church!
(Above from the Daily Bible Verses and Devotional, Day 5)
We need to realize that everyone needs to grow up according to the portion as everyone is gifted. I’m gifted at my portion. For instance, when a brother sings who really sings hymns beautifully, people appreciate it. This is his portion. But he develops his portion by knowing the salvation of Christ, by knowing the love of Christ, by knowing the redemptive work of Christ, by knowing God’s purpose, God’s economy, God’s operating, by knowing what the Lord is doing every day with us. All this can become the real substance of his music. Some people sing a song and it is very beautiful; some people sing a song and it is touching; some people sing a song such that after the hymn is over, it’s over; some people sing a song and after that singing, a lot develops—many will love the Lord, many will consecrate, many will give. Why? Because the ability of the one portion is able to operate so well.
– Message Transcript, p. 5
Brothers and sisters, do you see how important it is that each person’s portion is developed? When there is a proper operation according to the function and ability of each member, then the whole Church gains the benefit! Blessings flow from one member to the next as we each exercise, operate and develop according to our own portion. This is how the Lord is building His Church today!
Treasure Your Portion
We are all individual members of Christ’s body, but we are also one in His Body. We should all have the realization that we are unique and important within Christ’s Body. At the same time, we should also have the realization that we need the other members of His Body. First Thessalonians 3:8 tells us, “For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord”. Oftentimes as Christians, we could easily have one of two different bad conceptions. One is that we are valueless to the Lord, and that what we do is of no importance. The other is that we esteem ourselves as more important than other members of the Body. The reason why we could feel this way is because we have not grown up into the headship of Christ, meaning Christ is not totally in control over how we act. If we think we are unimportant, we may not hear the Lord speaking to us. If we think we are overly important, we may feel we are serving the Lord when in reality we are not listening to what He has to say. Brothers and sisters, we need the Lord so much! He is the source of everything good that is within us. We need him as the guileless milk of the Word, so that we can grow up healthily as members of the Body of Christ. When we operate as healthy members of His body, we must not forget that Christ is our head and we should do nothing outside of his direction. May the Lord make this a reality among all His children!
(Above from the Message Application)

Closing Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, open my eyes so that I may see my portion in your body more clearly. Soften my heart so that I may love and appreciate the portions of my fellow brothers and sisters. Lord, thank you that you promised you would build your Church. I want to cooperate with you in this. Thank you for the portion you have given to me. Help me to operate accordingly so that You, dear Lord, might gain the glory. Amen.