As mentioned in our introduction post, each week we want to provide a sample of the riches and the fellowship from brother Titus Chu, as well as from the saints who have been enjoying these messages throughout the week in small groups. We hope this digest is able to bring you and those you share it with into the riches that we have enjoyed with one another.
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This digest is based on the fifth message given by Brother Titus Chu. If you have not seen it already, you may watch it on the Youtube Channel. You may also want to read the outline and relevant Bible verses for this message.
The Shepherds
It’s amazing that the first unveiling in the New Testament of Jesus as the Messiah (Christ) was to a group of shepherds. The vision was not to the scribes and Pharisees well-versed in the Scriptures nor was it was it to the priests serving in the temple, but this vision of the Christ was revealed to a small group of shepherds who had a flock, who were out in the wilderness, and who were keeping watch over their flock at night. These shepherds were faithfully tending their flock even in the nighttime. They were faithful to what they had been committed with. And because of that pure and simple faith, God showed them such a glorious vision.
– Daily Bible Verses and Devotional, Day 3

Children’s Activity
Follow the link below to go to an interactive online coloring page! As your child colors the scene of the angels appearing to the shepherds, you can teach them that God reveals Christ to all types of people if they are open, seeking, and faithful. These shepherds illustrate this faithful and simple heart in caring for their sheep even in the wilderness at night.
The Roadside
Brother Titus was inspired by the possibility that our Lord Jesus was born on the roadside. This would have forced the family to leave their path and attend to the mother and child’s needs on the side of the road. The verses make it clear that Jesus’ birth was not provided for in a proper home or inn and further illustrates the path of hardship and suffering that our Lord took to accomplish the Father’s Eternal Purpose.
[It is possible] Jesus was not born in the manger, but was born on the side of the road. They wrapped Him up and laid Him in the manger because there was no room in the inn for Him (Luke 2:7). Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay Him head (Luke 9:58). What is this? What is His life? Roadside. The Lord testified: “I don’t have a residence. I don’t have a place I can shelter and say ‘That’s good enough.’ No, I was born on the roadside and my life is a roadside experience!”
“Roadside” means you cannot become settled. Nobody is settled on the roadside. Are you settled? If you are settled, you are not on the roadside. I live in a nice house beside the lake. I really enjoy it, but I’m ver clear that I cannot be “settled” here. I belong to the roadside. Some days, this house could be an “inn” for my particular needs, but I am still a person on the roadside.
Second, “roadside” means “I can go in all directions.” I can go this way or that way; I could go East or West, or South or North. I can go because I’m on the road. The Lord’s commitment was clear from His birth. He is not for Jerusalem, or for Bethlehem, or for Galilee, or for Jews. He is for the whole globe! He is not for this generation alone, but is also for all the previous and all the coming generations!
Are you on the roadside? You have a house; are you happy? There is nothing wrong about this, but you can still have a decision: “I am on the roadside.” Houses in Cleveland are cheap, so many [church ministers/volunteers] come and buy a house. Are you from now on in Cleveland and for Cleveland? Or are you still for the Lord’s testimony? Are you still able to go eastward, westward, northward or southward? Are you still able to say, “Lord, wherever You tell me to go, I will go! Because I am on the roadside!”
The Roadside Response
This thought of being on the roadside resonated in the hearts of many of the saints. As you read through their responses, consider how the Lord is responding in your life and how this principle can be helpful and enlightening in your walk with the Lord.

The week before Cuyahoga County discovered our first 3 cases of COVID-19, I was asked to join a group of saints who would be moving to North Carolina to pioneer a testimony for the Lord Jesus there. I was struggling really hard with the decision. My immediate thought was, “No! Absolutely not! There is no way I would want to leave here.” But, for some reason, I could not say “No” outright. I had to spend a lot of time in prayer with the Lord Jesus and in fellowship with the saints. My prayer became, “Lord Jesus, if this is from You, then You have to change my heart.” He did. And now, after listening to message 5, I realize that the Lord Jesus is leading me to have a roadside experience. The roadside means that you cannot become settled. (Oh, but how I would love to be settled!) The roadside also means you can go in all directions. I believe the Lord Jesus is leading me to leave Cleveland and join the saints who will be going to North Carolina. It will probably be the biggest change in my life that I have experienced up to this point (aside from receiving Jesus of course). But I realize that Jesus has changed my heart; so now my prayer can be, “Lord, wherever You tell me to go, I will go! Because I am on the roadside.”
– Sister Sarah

Closing Hymn
Can we be ones who can be faithful to care for ones in the wilderness at night, and yet be so excited for Christ to come forth that we would spread the word to all the habitable world? As this hymn is considered and sung, may our hearts reflect the hearts of the shepherds.
“O Lord May I Cooperate” is a newly written hymn which matches this thought:
Closing Prayer
Take the following prayer as your own. Tell the Lord that you would like to follow Him!