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October 26, 2009
This entry is part 308 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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God has also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant, ministers not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
— Second Corinthians 3:6

Therefore having this ministry as we have been shown mercy, we do not lose heart….
— Second Corinthians 4:1

In the Bible there are the words “ministers” and “ministry.” “Ministry” refers to a portion, and “ministers” refers to the persons. Ministry is something constituted or apportioned by the Lord; a minister is the person who carries out the ministry apportioned to him. In the churches there should be many ministers who are fulfilling their ministries before the Lord.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, volume one, page 33.

Tomorrow: “Touching the Ministry in Spirit”

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