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October 27, 2009
This entry is part 309 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Which things also we speak, not in words taught by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things with spiritual words.
— First Corinthians 2:13

When we spiritually receive the words of a servant of the Lord we are able also to see what he sees in our spirit. Ultimately the accumulation of the revelations we receive will become our vision as well. This is why we must realize that the word of the ministry is the word of revelation.

If you do not receive the ministry with your spirit, its teaching cannot truly become yours. You must use your spirit to touch the word of the ministry. You must enjoy the word of the ministry in your spirit. You must use your spirit to dwell in, read, touch, and experience the word of the ministry. It will then have a way to produce the inspirations, the life supply, the regulating power, and the driving force for your service.

All this is just a matter of being in spirit. If I receive the word of the ministry in spirit, then I shall be one with the ministry. Apart from spiritual revelation, however, the word of the ministry becomes mere doctrine.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, volume one, page 51.

Tomorrow: “Consecrated to the Church and Loving the Saints”

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