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July 29, 2009
This entry is part 232 of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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If your family life is for the church life, life is simple. Then whatever you do related to the family life will have the church life in view. Everything you do will become simple and you will have very little frustration.

When you invite people over to your house, your furniture and your carpet will become worn out more quickly. If your family life is not for the church life, then you may consider that your possessions are your own and you do not want people to use them or wear them out. You may not want to invite saints over because you will have to take more time to cook or because you only like eating alone with your husband. This is because you like to live a mechanical life, with everything done precisely the way you want it. To live this way is to fight the church life. You are trying to hold on to your family life. You are telling the Lord, “Lord, I have given You everything already. Just let me keep this one thing.” But this is not possible.

Adapted from Sisters’ Messages, pages 29-30.

Tomorrow: “An Attractive Home Life”

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