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Titus Chu
April 30, 2021
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In A Study of Acts, Titus Chu studies the proper work of the Lord and how to stand as proper local churches on the earth through the active operation of the Holy Spirit. The examples and patterns in Acts are rich in their relevance for us today, from the establishing of the church’s testimony, to the spreading of the gospel, to the manifestation of the ministries of the Lord’s servants. His three-volume commentary breaks down the Holy Spirit’s work in Acts into six steps:

  1. “Reviving the Church in Jerusalem” (Acts 1–7)
  2. “Coming to the House of Cornelius” (Acts 8–10)
  3. “Building Up the Church in Antioch” (Acts 11–12)
  4. “Sending Out the Apostles” (Acts 13–15)
  5. “Establishing the Local Churches” (Acts 16–20)
  6. “Leading Paul to the Maturity of Life” (Acts 21–28)

Finally, at the end of Volume 3 is a precious collection of chapters called, “Leaving Many Examples for Us.” In these final chapters, Titus Chu zooms out from his story-by-story consideration of Acts and considers its overall patterns. In these chapters, we come to understand what is proper fellowship between local churches and what is proper cooperation among servants of the Lord. We see the complex life and learning of the apostle Peter. We hear the voice of the martyr Stephen. We admire the ministry of Philip’s gospel preaching. We value Mark for not being knocked down by frustrations. And we treasure the apostle Paul’s desperate struggle to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus had also laid hold of him.

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