Eternal life is the basic element of the church life. Therefore, as believers, we need to know what the attributes of this life are.
This life is truly marvelous and unlimited, because it is the life of God Himself. Knowing this life and laying hold of it will make us restful, because we will realize that God is the all-sufficient One who cares for us in every way.
Note: The date and source of these messages are not known.
What is Eternal Life?
Eternal life is the uncreated life. It is self-existing, ever-existing, and unlimited life, and is filled with many divine attributes. This life is God Himself.
We received this life at the time of our salvation. Then, after receiving this life, we need to lay hold on this eternal life.
A Life Full of the Divine Attributes (2)
It is one thing to talk about eternal life, but you cannot say eternal life is really yours until you have experienced the attributes of the eternal life. To touch the Lord, to enjoy the Lord, is to partake of all the attributes of the eternal life. Maturity comes about as a result of being constituted with these attributes.
A Life Full of the Divine Attributes (3)
The Bible describes God Himself in three ways: it tells us that God is Spirit; that He is love; and that He is light. In essence God is Spirit; in nature God is love; and in operation God is light. God being love and light are both substantiated by His being the Spirit.
A Life Full of the Divine Attributes (4)
When God operates, He comes in as light. The Old Testament pictures apply spiritually to our Christian life today. If you understand how God operates as light in these three matters—creation, calling, and administration-it is very likely you well grow properly. In the New Testament, God came through incarnation. In Him was light, and this light was now the light of men.