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Samuel Huoh
June 20, 2020
This entry is part 13 of 21 in the series Visions & Revelations Digest
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As mentioned in our introduction post, each week we want to provide a sample of the riches and the fellowship from brother Titus Chu, as well as from the saints who have been enjoying these messages throughout the week in small groups. We hope this digest is able to bring you and those you share it with into the riches that we have enjoyed with one another.

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This digest is based on the twelfth message given by Brother Titus Chu for the Visions and Revelations series. If you have not seen it already, you may watch it on the YouTube Channel. You may also want to read the outline and relevant Bible verses for this message.

Two Revelations

The apostle Peter is a pattern for us to know how to abide properly in visions and revelations and eventually, how to become very operative and useful in the hand of God, for God’s building, for God’s testimony, and for God’s household. In Matthew 16, Peter is actually given not one, but two visions. There is a vision from the Father and another vision from Christ. The Father revealed Christ to Peter. Christ showed Peter who he was in relation to the building of His church.


Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

– Matthew 16:16-17
Twin steeples at dusk with text: The Father's revelation is Christ. Christ's revelation is the church.
The Father’s revelation is Christ. Christ’s revelation is the church.

The Father Reveals Only Christ

The Father’s revelation is Christ and Christ alone. It is not for us to accomplish anything nor is it even for us to do anything for Him. We may tell the Father, “I love You!” or “I worship You!” but the Father says, “If you love Me, then love My Son. If you want to worship Me, then worship My Son.” The Father’s focus is solely on Christ.

Message Excerpt

So, the Father says, “If you want to know who I am—if you want to have a revelation from me— I will not tell you to do this or do that. I will not give you commands to do this, do that. I will just show you there’s a marvelous person: Jesus Christ. He is the Son of the Living God. He is the Christ. As Christ, He carries out God’s economy. As the Son of the Living God, He produces all the vitality. How vital is this vitality? Vital enough to uphold the whole universe. This vitality can now become yours. It can handle you, take you, lead you to partake in eternal life.” So, when Peter says, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” Jesus was excited. Jesus says, “Simon Bar-Jonah, you are blessed. Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is the heavens, He has given you this revelation.”

Message Transcript, p. 3

Christ Reveals Only the Church

It’s hard to imagine that anything needs to be added to the revelation of the Father, but after Peter’s declaration, Jesus adds a statement of his own. In that statement, He says, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Let’s look at a few of these phrases.

“And I also say to you”

When Peter says, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” we see that he really had a marvelous revelation from the Father. This revelation is so good and so high, and it is such a good picture that we may think that it should just stop there. However, Jesus goes on to say, “I also say to you…” What does “also” mean? “Also” means that there is an extension, an expansion, an elevation of the revelation the Father gave. The Father’s revelation is Christ. Christ’s revelation is the church. It’s not “perfect” or “complete” to only have the revelation of Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” We also need revelation from Christ!

Isn’t it precious to hear the Lord say, “I also say to you”? This “also” makes the Father’s revelation richer, fuller, more alive to us. No matter if you’ve known the Lord for one year or for fifty, no matter if you’ve known the doctrine of the church for many years or not—we all need an “also” from the Lord! Can we have this prayer? “Lord, may every vision and revelation from You have an ‘also’! Not only to show me who You are, but to show me how valuable, precious, and needed I am for the building up of Your church!”

Daily Bible Verses and Devotional, Day 3

“You are Peter”

After that, Christ continued, “You are Peter.” A quick word: the Greek here is “You are petros.” Petros is a masculine word for rock. This is not lithos. Usually “stone” uses the word lithos. This is not an ordinary stone, but a specific, valuable stone that matches the rock—the petra—that is Christ himself. So, you are Peter, petros. I am the rock, petra. You are Peter as a name, but I am petra as a solid fact: I am a petra. It’s very interesting: here are three words involved. Who is Peter? A lithos, just a piece of stone like all of us. Who are you? A piece of stone. But the Lord likes to say, “Hey, I want to call you Peter. I want to call you petros. I want to call you a specific piece of stone with high value.” Why? Because petros matches petra. This stone matches the rock who is the foundation of everything. 

Message Transcript, p. 5

In revealing the church, the Lord first has to reveal to Peter who he is, and his value as a stone for God’s building work. We, too, are stones that can be called by the Lord to be precious and valuable for the sake of the church.

Stones piled up on a beach to look like a man. Caption text on the side.
“You, a stone, shall become a precious stone, a valuable stone for the building up of the church.”

“I will”

When it comes to the building of His church, Jesus gives an unconditional “I will.” This “I will” shows two sides. Firstly, the surety of His building work.

Firstly, the surety of His building work:

It unconditionally refers to what the Lord desires, indicates the Lord’s eternal will, speaks out what the Lord is laying hold of, and what the Lord will work and accomplish unto eternity. Only this—the builded church—can satisfy the Lord.

Message Outline
White text over slate background. Text reads: When God says, "I will", He means "I will"
When God says, “I will,” He means “I will”

Secondly, Christ is only focused on this one thing, the building of His Church:

We like to say, “No, no, no, the Lord is doing a lot!” No, the Lord says, “I only do one thing. I will build My church. This is the only, “I will.” A strong “I will.” “I will” speaks out that Christ is only focused on this one thing. This is My burden. This is My desire. This is My expectation. This is why I am here.

Message Transcript, p. 6


Read the following hymn and reflect upon Christ’s eternal will and heart for His church:

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Alt words:
  1. The church is Christ’s deep longing
    And His good pleasure too.
    His every word and action
    Is made with her in view.
    His heart’s love is established,
    And nought can Him deter;
    Before the earth’s foundation
    His thoughts were filled with her.
  2. The eve of all creation
    He mused on His delight,
    And pondered every feature,
    Well-pleasing in His sight.
    Creation sprang to being,
    But deep in Him did hide
    A heart of depth unfathomed
    Fixed on a glorious Bride.
  3. And thus His will was ’stablished
    His counterpart to gain:
    This blessed, firm intention,
    Eternally the same.
    Though sin should e’en beguile man,
    Then mock his helpless state,
    He never could forsake her,
    His yearning ne’er abate.
  4. Then mercy richly flourished,
    And love was, oh, so vast,
    As graciously He sought her
    With wisdom unsurpassed.
    The love He gave to win her
    God only comprehends!
    His life laid down, an offering
    Whose fragrance yet ascends.
  5. And now in resurrection
    To her He draws most near,
    And with untold affection
    In glory does appear.
    As she beholds her Bridegroom,
    His glory floods her heart,
    ’Til she, His Bride, is raptured,
    His longed-for counterpart.


Peter had visions and revelations to reveal to him both who the Lord Jesus really was and also to his own heavenly commitment as a precious stone the Lord has chosen for the building of His church. May we have a prayer that we could follow in Peter’s footsteps to see Him and to see our glorious commitment for building up His church

a lone tree on a mountain overlook with two large rocks balancing on each other in the foreground. Overlaid text in caption.
“Lord, please make me Peter. Choose me, own me, transform me… I want to be a brother in the church life with heavenly commitment.”

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