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Samuel Huoh
May 28, 2020
This entry is part 1 of 21 in the series Visions & Revelations Digest
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Amid the limitations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the church in Cleveland asked brother Titus Chu if he would share some messages to encourage the saints during this time. Agreeing, he began this series, Visions and Revelations, expounding from the Bible how visions come, how they affect those who receive them, and how we can live practically according to our vision of Christ today.  It seems the Lord has even arranged a world situation so that we can realize that outside of our meetings, we still have a living Christ dwelling in us. This Christ, who has revealed Himself to His believers,  is burdened for mankind and can energize us to operate by His Spirit when we fight to find His leading in our daily lives. Our faithfulness to these visions can bring us into a vibrant church life which testifies of the vigor and virtue of our Lord. May His Life in us cause us to reach out to others so that many saints can be restored and our neighbors and families can find Him through us.

The approach of this series is to look at all the instances in which there was an appearing of the Lord, an angel, or a heavenly sight in the New Testament. We will study what sort of persons received these visions and how this sight changed their manner of life, gave them direction and purpose, and brought them into a rich reality of living with their God.

This ‘Digest’ series seeks to present some main points from each message, along with reflections, testimonies and matching hymns contributed by saints who have been reviewing the messages in fellowship groups throughout the week. These items are posted on the church in Cleveland’s Virtual Lord’s Day page. We have selected some posts and woven them together with portions of the message to provide a flow of thought throughout so that others can more easily benefit from them. This series could help begin the fellowship in a weekly group, or be emailed to saints throughout the week as a review. In this way, we hope each saint’s portion can help us more personally apply the Lord’s speaking to our daily life. May the Lord use these contributions to engrave His present burden upon our hearts.

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