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Titus Chu
December 4, 2019
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This study follows various themes, or “threads,” through the book of Exodus. This is why it is divided into five parts. Each part follows a different theme through Exodus, and applies it to us today as we seek to build up the church as God’s testimony.

Part One examines God’s progressive revelation of Himself as seen in the various names used to describe Him.

Part Two looks at how God gained and perfected an individual man–Moses–so that He could gain the children of Israel.

Part Three is the journey of the children of Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. In the process, they were dealt with by God and labored together with Him to become His corporate testimony.

Part Four shows that the purpose of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt was to celebrate a feast to God and to live a life of feasting before Him.

Part Five is concerning the tabernacle, which depicts the will, work, and administration of God, the experience of the believers, and the purpose of these experiences. It shows us in picture form what God wants to achieve in His economy.

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