Although the sisters sometimes diminish the importance of their function, their role in a local church is, in fact, absolutely vital to the healthy going on of the church.
This series of messages begins by considering the importance of the sisters as seen in several Old Testament examples. It then goes on the consider the “Virtuous Woman” of Proverbs 31 as a picture of how a sister can become a great blessing to her local church.
Article 1: The Sisters: The Crucial Element of a Blessed Church
This article shows us that every aspect of the Lord’s work is related to the sisters, as illustrated by several important Old Testament examples. It then goes on to begin a consideration of the “Virtuous Woman” in Proverbs 31.
Article 2: The Divine Blessing through the Virtuous Woman who Focuses on Life and the Growth in Life
This article continues the consideration of the “Virtuous Woman” in Proverbs 31. From her example we see that we need to focus on life and the growth in life. When we are short of life or of the growth in life, then the Lord will not be able to gain a testimony among us. As the virtuous woman matures, her growth in life affects the whole church.
Article 3: The Divine Blessing through the Virtuous Woman who Focuses on Truth and the Enrichment of the Living Truth
Proverbs 31 describes the “Virtuous Woman” as one who is, first, like the merchants’ ships for bringing food (truth) from afar. Second, she girds her loins with strength, and perceives that her merchandise is good. Third, she has the ability to make the truth applicable. And fourth, she is able to produce garments, and delivers girdles to the merchant. As we see in this article, all of these items are pictures of a New Testament believer who is constituted with the truth.
Article 4: The Divine Blessing through the Virtuous Woman who Focuses on Operations
For a sister to be a blessing to the church life she needs to focus on three things: life, truth, and operation. In the previous articles we have covered life and truth. Now we will go on to consider the matter of operation, still based on the pattern of the “Virtuous Woman” of Proverbs 31.