Note: The first 35 seconds of the recording is a musical introduction. This song starts with the chorus at the 35 second mark.
Oh, come and draw me dear Lord
That in You I would grow up fully
There’s nothing I can depend on
Besides growing wonderfully
- Growing in Your life
That through me You’re expressed
I would match You in all
All that you are, heavenly One
Your death! Crucifixion!
Resurrection! Grow full in me
Your divine Self, be formed in me
This is my heart’s yearning - Growing in Your love
You Yourself who are love
Fully enjoying You
You are love, You are love
Divine, heavenly love
Flowing from You, watering me
You who are love, grow full in me
This is my heart’s yearning - Growing in Your riches
O, You are heavenly
You dispense from above
Heaven’s supply, supplying me
Divine treasure You are
Enjoying You, all of my life
Manifesting, heaven’s riches
This is my heart’s yearning - In my heart is this plea
All my spirit desires
From the depths of my being
That in me, You would be King
Be King, King in my heart
Joined with my Lord, mingled with You
Growing until I’m one with You
This is my heart’s yearning
Wonderful. Great way to learn new songs !
hallelujah he is love and we are growing in love.
I can’t put the words and music together. It would be much much easier to learn if someone were singing it.
Thank you for the suggestion, brother. We will look into finding a saint to sing it to help others learn the song!
In the meantime, we have uploaded a new pdf with sheet music attached.