- What a wondrous fact, O Lord, that
I am Your inheritance.
All Your boundless riches need the
Church Your fullness to express.
Oh! Objects of Your love, What we have become,
Manifest Your riches–The praise of Your glory!
Oh! Objects of Your love, What we have become,
Manifest Your riches– To the praise of Your glory! - I am blessed with every blessing
In Christ in the heavenlies;
Chosen ere the earth’s foundation,
Holy I am saved to be
- By the precious blood of Jesus,
We have fully been redeemed;
All offenses are forgiven,
Grace and wisdom pouring out.
- Now the Spirit has been given,
Pledge of my inheritance;
Giving wisdom, revelation,
That Your Person I may know.
- With enlightened inner eyes we
See the hope of Your dear call;
Power of Your resurrection
Manifested now in us.
- Lord, as Your inheritance, we
Praise You now wholeheartedly;
We’re Your Church and we’re Your body,
Your fullness eternally!
Word: Titus Chu, 1972, tr. from Chinese, adapted
Music: French carol, arr. by Edward S. Barnes
Oh what objects of your love that I have become! To the praise of your Glory