Our relationship with God is not shallow, but rather very deep, and filled with many profound and heavenly experiences. This means it is a very romantic life, and in this sense the most romantic person in the Bible is Jacob. From his life we can see that God has given us some wonderful provisions so that we may live a romantic life with the Lord. These provisions enable us to have heavenly experiences resulting in a positive consummation of our life.
Article 1: Jacob: A Life With Heavenly Provisions (1)
The first provision God has given us is our human spirit. God, who is Spirit, gave us a human spirit. The second provision God has given us is a very good father, Christ. Christ, as typified by Jacob’s father Isaac, can be treated unfairly, yet He never murmurs or gets upset. The third provision is typified by a well called Beer-lahai-roi (Gen. 25:11). This is where Isaac dwelt and where Jacob was born. Beer-lahai-roi means “the well of the living One who upholds me.” This signifies Christ as a well of living water for us to enjoy.
Article 2: Jacob: A Life With Heavenly Provisions (2)
God has given several provisions for us to live a romantic life. In this message we will cover four of them: Christ, the church, the divine Spirit, and our human spirit.