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March 28, 2017
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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God spoke to Abraham repeatedly. He gave him His promise, saying, “Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them….So shall your descendants be” (15:5). However, when God told him that Sarah would give him a son, he fell on his face and laughed, saying in his heart, “Will a child be born to a man one hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (17:17).

Does this sound like faith? Yet we should not look down on Abraham’s seeming lack of faith. When we are more mature in the Lord, we may have a similar reaction, asking God, “Why do You want a man like me?”

Adapted from A Sketch of Genesis,
by Titus Chu; page 89.

Tomorrow: “God’s Appearing and the Faith of Abraham” (3)

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