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May 31, 2013
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Some brothers poison other saints through their ministry because they are occupied with work and are full of ambition. You may not believe there could be such ones among us. However, I have seen a brother bring something impure into his serving and poison others without their knowing it. This was due to his personality.

Such saints are infatuated with themselves and don’t see what they are doing. On the one hand, their speaking can supply others with the spiritual riches. On the other hand, their attractive kind of leadership can easily attract people to their showy display.

If you were to ask them, they wouldn’t admit that they are poisoning others. Instead, they would say that they love the Lord, follow the Lord, and have the Lord’s commitment and leading. How can this be? It is a problem in their personality.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry to Speak the Healthy Words, page 27.

Tomorrow: “The Damage of an Unhealthy Personality” (6)

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