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January 30, 2013
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse;
You have ravished my heart with one glance of your eyes,
With one strand of your necklace.”
— Song of Songs 4:9

In addition to the glance of her eyes, the Shulammite’s obedience is also signified by “one strand” of her necklace, for it reveals that her will is given over to the Lord.

A necklace is a chain upon the neck, signifying the will. Therefore a necklace here is a symbol of submission. She has but one strand occupying her neck, which is the Lord’s calling. The Lord has asked of her a certain matter, and this demand has become her necklace. She obeys the Lord completely.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 235.

Tomorrow: “Ravishing the Lord’s Heart” (4)

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