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January 21, 2013
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“Come with me from Lebanon, my bride,
May you come with me from Lebanon.
Journey down from the summit of Amana,
From the summit of Senir and Hermon,
From the dens of lions,
From the mountains of leopards.”
— Song of Songs 4:8

As those who stand with the Lord in His ascension, two particular things will happen. First, we will be involved in spiritual warfare. We must realize that when we are on the ground of ascension, we are also close to where the enemy dwells.

All of Satan’s stratagems start from the high places. We, however, are not just holding up the shield of faith to defend against the flaming darts of his stratagems; we are taking the battle directly to Satan and his army. We will be able to see what Satan is preparing to do, and to deal with it accordingly. Thus, we will be able to take the initiative to frustrate his attack.

When we are with Christ in His ascension, we are no longer awaiting Satan’s attack from the vantage point of the earth. Instead, we see his plans and can preempt him.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 233.

Tomorrow: “The Experience of Ascension” (2)

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