Your two breasts are like two fawns,
Twins of a gazelle
Which feed among the lilies.
— Song of Songs 4:5
“Breasts” refers to your faith and love. What are the breasts? They are twins of a gazelle, indicating a harmony that issues from having the same life. Love and faith are related to life. The richer the experience of life, the stronger the faith. The richer the life, the greater the love.
If you are a person full of life, you are a person full of faith and love. The more you grow in life, the more you are able to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. And with this love, you have faith toward the Lord. You are very clear that when you are with the Lord, everything will be fine. The Lord is the One on whom you depend. Your life should manifest a faith and love that are in proportion to each other according to the life you have received.
The seven items of the Lord’s praise—her eyes, hair, teeth, lips, cheeks, neck, and breasts—indicate the experiences we should have when we follow the Lord in a healthy way. We should examine ourselves in light of these seven items.
Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 223.
Tomorrow: “The Seeker’s Response” (1)