I am very happy when I hear that a young person has found a field. Young people should fight for this. If they begin to serve the high schoolers, they should not be there merely for fun. They should be able to say it is their commitment from the Lord and should be burdened for it. They should say, “Give me three years, and see what happens. I will raise up ten others to serve with me who share my commitment. Together, we will double the number of high schoolers who love the Lord.” This is what it means to have a field of labor.
Adapted from David: After God’s Heart, page 73.
Tomorrow: “A Field to Labor In” (5)
i surely can now acknowledge that God can really use a youth to serve his/her generation in this “changing world”. lets arise and shine youths, this is our time to lift up the royal banner. thank GOD for using Bro Titus Chu to minister to us during the East Africa conference held at Uganda…i was positively transformed