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January 21, 2011
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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But we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those who are weak and not to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor with a view to what is good for building up.
— Romans 15:1-2

The mind of Christ is that each of us should seek to please his neighbor with a view to his building up. If we feel we are one with the ministry, we should help others be one with the ministry without making any issues. We should be in the riches and help others be in the riches. We should read the books written by Witness Lee, and we should receive the riches in those books.

However, we should realize that we are Christians, we are lovers of Jesus Christ, and the church bears the testimony of the Lord Jesus and the Lord Jesus alone. We all should be one with the ministry. We all should be in the flow. All the churches must have mutual fellowship. Yet at the same time, among us there should be no issue. If someone is not one with the ministry, I would pray with him. I would help him to be in the ministry so that we all can be one in the ministry. It is not a talk or a slogan, but a labor.

Adapted from Oneness and the One Accord, pages 40-41.

Tomorrow: “Caring for the Saints by Caring Only for Christ”

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