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January 4, 2011
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”
— Numbers 11:27-29

Although we should not be narrow, this doesn’t mean we should stop meeting with those with whom the Lord has placed us. We could visit a different congregation every week, but that would be foolish. For the sake of the Lord’s testimony, we have to stand for what the Lord has committed to us and how He has led us.

At the same time, our heart should be very restful when we see others being led differently, for God is able to do beyond what we can do or see. Moses was very mature. His view was very broad. He wished that not only these two but that all two million of the Lord’s people would prophesy. If that truly happened, of course, it would have been quite messy, but the sentiment was right. The grandness and broadness of Moses was a result of his trust in God.

Moses was clear that the Lord had commissioned him to work with the seventy. He did not disband them when he heard that the Lord had put His Spirit on the two in the camp. However, he also did not forbid the two, knowing that God was able to do something through them also. In fact, his desire was that the Lord would do something more through all of His people.

Wouldn’t we be happy if another congregation helped two people to be saved? If they helped someone to love the Lord, wouldn’t we rejoice with them? However, this does not mean we should all leave where we are and join that Christian group. We have our commitment from the Lord. What a high, broad, spiritual view Moses had. His desire that all God’s people would prophesy matches the apostle Paul’s desire, for prophesying builds up the church (1 Cor. 14:4).

Adapted from Joshua: A Life of Service, pages 28-29.

Tomorrow: “Refusing to Rebel”

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