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December 30, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.”
— Song of Songs 2:1

What God cares for is a rose of Sharon, not an orchid in a pot. Do you know the difference? If you are like an orchid in a pot, although you have some equipping, you still need to be tended by some other saints or you will wither. The rose of Sharon, however, needs no special attention by others.

You also have to realize that there is no strife among the roses of Sharon.  It is wrong to consider yourself as someone with higher revelation or with more special equipping. We need to be able to realize before the Lord, “Lord, I am nobody special in the church life. I am just like others.” Today the Lord needs to gain many roses of Sharon. He doesn’t need expensive, showy orchids. The building up of the church is through the ordinary ones, not the showy ones.

We are often not willing to be just roses of Sharon. Brothers and sisters, we live in God’s mercy. We pursue because God’s love attracts us. It is the Lord who brings us into His chambers. It is the Lord who reveals His cross to us. It is the Lord who works in us and who supplies us with His life. Besides these things, what can we boast in? We are nothing but a rose of Sharon.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, pages 164-165.

Tomorrow: “A Lily of the Valleys”

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