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December 28, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.”
— Song of Songs 2:1

The Lord’s seeker now realizes that she is nothing special or extraordinary. She no longer exalts or glorifies herself or considers herself to be the most useful one. She no longer thinks she is the one who loves the Lord the most. Instead, she feels that she is just an ordinary flower, and she even likens herself to a despised flower. There is nothing to brag about. There is nothing to be manifested. She is a rose of Sharon and a lily of the valleys, and God is caring for her.

Without experiencing Christ as life, we have no way to realize what we are or who the Lord is, and neither do we understand what a man is. When you really touch the Lord, you will realize the meaning of this verse. When you live according to the divine life and when you experience the work of the cross, you will experience the reality of being a rose of Sharon and a lily of the valleys. At that time you will have a realization of who you are and what man is. You will also begin to know the Lord.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 164.

Tomorrow: “Willing to be Ordinary”

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