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December 16, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“Oh, you are beautiful, my love! Oh, you are beautiful!”
— Song of Songs 1:15a

The king told the Shulammite earlier that she was the fairest among women (v. 8), meaning that she was special and manifested even among the other saved ones. However, this time the king’s word is, “Oh, you are beautiful, my love!” She gives forth the fragrance of spikenard, and she has experienced His death. She enjoys the Lord as her life supply and hides herself in Him. These things draw forth the Lord’s appreciation.

We are usually very shallow. When there is a cross for us, our feeling is that the Lord is beating us for something wrong we have done. I think, “He is disciplining me because I am bad. The Lord is breaking me because I am terrible. It is all due to my being such a difficult person.” However, the Lord says, “You are beautiful! Oh, you are beautiful!” We think that we are too terrible to match the Lord. But the Lord says, “Do not focus on your weakness. I do not pay attention to your weakness, failure, and uncleanness. When you enjoy Me as your fountain of life and hide in Me, you are beautiful.”

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 159.

Tomorrow: “What Attracts the Lord”

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