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December 13, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“My beloved is to me a bundle of myrrh that lies at night between my breasts.”
— Song of Songs 1:13

“At night” in this verse indicates the period of time before dawn. In other words, the Lord hasn’t come yet. Before the Lord comes, it is still night, and during this long night, I am willing to take this myrrh as the center of my life. Therefore, the death of the Lord is “between my breasts.”

Brother Watchman Nee explained the breasts as representing faith and love (see 1 Thes. 5:8). Actually, we can also say the breasts represent the manifestation of maturity of life. In the process of our growth of life, we progress with faith and love through our experience of the Lord’s death. The preciousness of the growth of life is with this death. If I experience this myrrh, I will grow in life and I will become more mature in life. When I experience myrrh, I am able to stand more solidly before God. Therefore the seeking one testifies, “Lord, I need Your death. I do not pray for greater power; deeper death is what I need.”

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 157.

Tomorrow: “Realizing We are in the Night”

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