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November 2, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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O Jehovah, my heart is not proud, nor are my eyes haughty;
Nor do I go about in things too great
or too wondrous for me
— Psalm 131:1

I would not have the restless will that hurries to and fro,
Seeking for some great thing to do or secret thing to know;
I would be treated as a child, and guided where I go.
— Anna Laetitia Waring

The writer of this hymn states that she does not want a restless will, rushing to and fro, from one activity to another. She does not desire to do great things, like holding big conferences and getting so many people saved. Furthermore, she doesn’t even seek for some “secret thing to know.” She is not after “secret” knowledge in which she can boast. Her motive towards the Lord is simple and pure.

Then she says, “I would be treated as a child, and guided where I go.” In other words, “Lord, I want to be so one with You. I want to be like a little child. Then I will know how to respond to Your move. I will know what it is You want from me. Lord, I am just here to be guided by You.” This hymn matches the feeling of Psalm 131.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, pages 92-93.

Tomorrow: “A Level of Maturity”

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