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October 19, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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The church life is a place of mutual care. We serve others and others serve us. If we preach the gospel and care for others or go to someone’s home for dinner and read the Bible together, we are in the church life. We need to be fully in the church life if the Lord is to have His testimony.

After a hard day’s work, many people come home, put their feet up, and relax. Their workday is over. The church life is not like this. The church meeting may be over, but the church life continues. The church life involves God, man, the church, the church meetings, and the gospel. The church life is a life of bringing people to Christ and Christ to people.

The typical Christian group would be happy to have a Jethro who could tell them what to do so that their group would be prevailing. But God would tell us, “You don’t need a Jethro. You need Me, you need to enjoy Me, and you need to build up My testimony. For this, you need a healthy church life.”

Adapted from Joshua: A Life of Service, page 24.

Tomorrow: “Descending the Mountain”

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