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October 16, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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We must learn to advance as God leads us. We should never envy another’s success, and never despise the work of the Spirit. If we look at the success of a larger group, that is envy. Furthermore, we should not say, “We have it, and nobody else does.” That is pride. We should have a humble spirit and seek to continue advancing.

We may have advanced from valuing human organization to caring only about Christ, yet God wants to bring us on to where we care not only about Christ, but also about the testimony of Christ. If we truly care for Christ, then our lives should be given for the testimony of Christ. Thus God told Moses with Joshua that they must build the tabernacle and establish the priesthood. This represents today’s church life.

Adapted from Joshua: A Life of Service, pages 23-24.

Monday: “What Is the Church?”

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