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July 29, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Even though today the race of Amalek is gone, the inward Amalek remains. Outwardly it is over, but inwardly it continues. One day, however, it will be utterly blotted out, even within. Joshua needed to know this.

After Watchman Nee’s martyrdom in 1972, little was done to care for the churches he established in China, yet they continued to grow. When I saw this, I realized that, apart from the Lord’s blessing, our labor really is in vain. Even if He does bless, we too easily take the honor from Him. Compared to Watchman Nee, we have done little, yet even that can cause us to feel worthy of honor.

I have raised up many saints and many churches, and yet that “book” is always there, whispering to me that Amalek has to go. Until then, Amalek is always ready to rise up and lay claim to the honor that belongs to the Lord.

Adapted from Joshua: A Life of Service, page 15.

Tomorrow: “The Lord is Our Banner”

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