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May 11, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.
— John 17:17

How do you and the Bible become one entity? It is by not letting the word be objective to you. Instead, it is subjective to you. You know how to pray-read the word: “Paul, Amen! Paul, Amen! An apostle, Amen! Of Christ Jesus, Amen! Through the will of God, Amen! The will of God, Amen! Praise the Lord, the will of God, Amen! I give myself to the will of God, Amen!” Doing this allows the word to change your being.

Adapted from Oneness and the One Accord, page 26.

Tomorrow: “A Changed Being by the Power of the Word”

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