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April 30, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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While I was in basic training, a Christian worker had visited Taiwan from England and held some conferences. I received letters describing how glorious those meetings were. That was a torture to me. I felt like a castaway. I prayed, “Lord, why am I not qualified to partake of all these riches?” But if you were to ask me today if I would rather have been in the conference with that brother or in the training with Brother Lee, I would readily respond that I am grateful that I was in the training with Brother Lee.

That conference with the other brother brought in much trouble to the churches in Taiwan. I thought I was being deprived, but actually I was being saved. The Lord kept me from that turmoil by means of those months of basic training. How we must love the Lord! I was there for those months, waiting for the dawn. Then came Brother Lee’s three-month training. Eventually through all these things my capacity was enlarged.

Adapted from Ruth: Growth Unto Maturity, page 73.

Tomorrow: “Our Need for Situations”

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