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April 26, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Boaz said, “Give me the cloak that is on you and hold it.” So she held it, and he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her. Then she went into the city.
—Ruth 3:15

Ruth’s shawl only had a certain capacity. Boaz measured out just that much. Likewise, we can only enjoy the Lord a certain amount at one time. Our capacity as human beings is limited.

I would like to tell you a story related to this experience of night and day. Soon after I was saved, I got into a college, but my application landed me in the Boy Scout leader training program. After fellowship with the church elders, I was clear not to attend that school, but instead I applied for an opening as an English interpreter for the military. In the meantime, since I was not attending a university, I had to report for basic training in the military. That was tough.

Ten days before basic training was over, I received a letter of acceptance for the interpreter’s training program. I was to report for another basic training with them beginning the day after my first basic training concluded.

Adapted from Ruth: Growth Unto Maturity, page 71.

Tomorrow: “An Experience (Continued)”

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