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March 18, 2010
This entry is part [part not set] of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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“Many times they have afflicted me from my youth,”
Let Israel now say;
“Many times have they afflicted me since my youth,
yet they did not prevail against me.”
— Psalm 129:1-2

Those who have been following the Lord for many years can testify that their dealings and afflictions have always come from the Lord with His testimony in view. It is not a proud or improper boasting but the declaring of a marvelous fact: “I am still here! Praise the Lord, I am part of Israel! I am part of the Lord’s testimony! Many times have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me!” Sometimes the young people in the church look at the older ones and think, “You are too old. You are not in ‘the flow.’ You are not ‘up-to-date’ with the Lord’s present burden. That is why we are the generation that the Lord needs to bring Him back!”

But the older saints used to be younger, and they once thought the same thing: “We are the generation that will bring the Lord back.” Now the older generation can only say, “Many times have they afflicted me since my youth.” Then instead of, “Oh, let Israel say,” they would declare, “Oh, let my local church say!” In their local church over the years they have experienced many trials and hard times. They have shed many tears. They have gone through situations that were beyond their understanding or endurance. Yet they can say, “Praise the Lord, we are still here! They did not prevail against me!” Younger saints, don’t despise the older ones. They have acquired many riches. They have gained something precious from the Lord for the sake of His testimony. This is proven just by the fact that they are still here.

Adapted from The Journey of Life, page 79.

Tomorrow: “‘They Have Not Prevailed Against Me!’”

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