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December 29, 2009
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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So Ruth went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. When Boaz had eaten and drunk and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain; and she came secretly, and uncovered his feet and lay down.
— Ruth 3:6-7

The Bible tells us that Boaz, after eating and drinking, was cheerful (Ruth 3:7). Perhaps he sensed intuitively that something wonderful was about to take place. After finishing his meal, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of barley. Boaz did not lie down at the highest point of his mound of grain. This signifies that the Lord, even though He is in resurrection, is still able to reach us where we are. The mound of barley signifies resurrection. The Lord lies down in an accessible spot very close to us while still in resurrection. He doesn’t depart from His resurrection; He remains in resurrection, yet is still in a place where we can find Him. Because of this, we have a way to approach Him, as Ruth was able to approach Boaz.

As Boaz lay asleep at the edge of the heap of grain, Ruth stole in, uncovered his feet, and lay down. Everything took place as Naomi had said it would. Isn’t this marvelous? When those who care for us tell us the way to find the Lord, we should feel confident that the Lord will bless us accordingly.

Adapted from Ruth: Growth Unto Maturity, page 55.

Tomorrow: “Lovely to the Lord”

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