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December 26, 2009
This entry is part [part not set] of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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The things which you have also learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace will be with you.
— Philippians 4:9

If we as a group do not seek to equip ourselves as Brother Lee has, it is nonsense to say, “The future of the Lord’s recovery is bright with promise.” We should not cheat ourselves. If we are not familiar with the Bible, if we do not have spiritual insight, and if we do not have spiritual experience, it is useless to proclaim that we are for the Lord’s recovery. The church cannot be built up merely by means of our strong desire and strong spirit.

Is it possible for the church to be built up when the saints who love the Lord condemn others as not being in the flow or not being one with the ministry? It is impossible. The healthiness of the Lord’s recovery depends upon our equipping. We must imitate the Lord’s servant in this matter.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, pages 96-97.

Monday: “Ruth’s Obedience”

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