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Titus Chu
November 3, 2008
This entry is part 2 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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And a river went forth from Eden to water the whole garden, and from there it divided and became four branches. The name of the first is Pishon….
— Genesis 2:10-11a

How should we interpret this? Pishon means “flowing freely” and it should be considered the initial stage of experience in this flow of the Triune God upon the earth.

In the first stage of our personal experience of this flow, was this not true? We simply received whatever the Lord was doing, and we enjoyed the Lord freely with anyone else who was enjoying the Spirit. We need to keep our simplicity. We should all feel very free to fellowship with each other. There is no need to consider whether or not we might be imposing upon one another’s time. We should feel so free with one another when it comes to this flow. If we want to be in the flow, then we must allow this stream to flow freely. Don’t do anything to hinder it or stop it up! When we experience such freedom in the church life, the Spirit will have a way to flow among us.

Adapted fromThe Reality of the Divine Stream, page. 10.

Tomorrow: “The Flow of the Spirit Is For Our Growth”

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