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Titus Chu
January 1, 1980
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Christ is the Person of the divine and mystical realm. It is in this realm, where Christ is the unique Person, that the Triune God carries out all that He desires.

Article 1: The Kingdom of the Beloved Son: The Person, Content, and Circumference of the divine and mystical Realm

This message focuses upon the kingdom of Christ as the Son of God’s love. In the sphere of the kingdom, which equals the divine and mystical realm, Christ is the person, the content, and the circumference.

Article 2: The Mystery of God, the Mystery of Christ, and the Mystery of God’s Economy (1)

These mysteries become real to us through the operation and struggle of those who serve the Lord as stewards of this mystery. (Note: Part of this outline was originally molded around Hymn, “The Church is Christ’s Own Body,” by Witness Lee)

Article 3: The Mystery of God, the Mystery of Christ, and the Mystery of God’s Economy (2)

Our life-long commitment is Christ as the mystery of God, the church as the mystery of Christ, and to be the New Testament ministers who carry out the mystery of God’s economy. These are very crucial matters, yet they are not easy to lay hold of.

Article 4: The New Man: The Circumference of the Divine and Mystical Realm, Full of the Reality of Being Raised with Christ

The divine and mystical realm is simply Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ. This Christ, who embodies God as the divine and mystical realm, has been enlarged, and this enlargement is the church. The church is also referred to as “the new man” in Colossians and Ephesians.

Article 5: The Lord’s Servant Filling up the Lack of the Afflictions of Christ in His Own Flesh by Taking Christ as His Person

In this message we come to Paul, someone who fully experienced the reality of taking Christ as his person, and had the reality of walking, living, operating, struggling, working, and fighting in this divine and mystical realm. Paul also had a number who worked together with him as his co-corkers.

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