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Titus Chu
April 17, 2016
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After enjoying a sweet Lord’s Table with the church in Chicago, brother Titus took some time from the message to have fellowship with the believers concerning the crucialness and preciousness of Lord’s Table gatherings.

Listeners who desire to find Bible verses regarding the Lord’s Table can start with Luke 22:14-20 and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

Note: During his sharing, Titus references hymn numbers from the hymnal “Songs & Hymns of Life,” available here. He speaks specifically about a hymn which the church sang for their Lord’s table, “O Blessed Savior” by Joseph Stennett (1697). You can find the tune and lyrics for this song below.

  1. O blessed Savior, is Thy love
    So great! so full! so free!
    Fain would we have our thoughts, our hearts,
    Our lives, engaged with Thee.
  1. We love Thee for the glorious worth
    Which in Thyself we see;
    We love Thee for that shameful cross,
    Endured so patiently.
  1. No man of greater love can boast
    Than for his friend to die;
    Thou for Thine enemies wast slain!
    What love with Thine can vie?
  1. Though in the very form of God,
    With heav’nly glory crowned,
    Thou didst a servant’s form assume,
    Beset with sorrow round.
  1. Thou wouldst like wretched man be made
    In everything but sin,
    That we as like Thee might become
    As we unlike had been:
  1. Like Thee in strength, in meekness, love,
    In life in ev’ry phase;
    From glory into glory changed,
    Till we behold Thy face.
  1. O Lord, we treasure in our hearts
    The mem’ry of Thy love;
    And ever shall Thy name to us
    A grateful odor prove.

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