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Titus Chu
November 6, 2020
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  1. How marv’lous, how real that my God has entered me.
    He’s joined with my spirit; one spirit now are we.
    My spirit was empty and dead, apart from God
    But now I’m revived as God’s life is filling me.

    As Spirit He dwells gloriously.
    Two spirits are united as one.
    Two lives are mingled, now God and man
    Are incorp’rated as the God-man.
  1. How rich and how full: God Himself abides in me.
    He grows in my spirit; we’re mingling constantly.
    I was in the world; I pursued my earthly dream,
    I now have experience of His divinity.
  1. How glorious, divine: God Himself does live in me.  
    His life saturates me; one person now are we.  
    So long I have fought and endeavored by myself  
    To live now is Christ: God Himself lived out of me. 
  1. How heav’nly, mysterious: that God is built in me,  
    With Him constituted we’re dwelling mutually.  
    I strove with my heart to fulfill the law of God  
    But now I express all His fine humanity. 

Words: Titus Chu, 1999, translated from Chinese, adapted
Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, from Sixth Symphony (verse); Wolfgang A. Mozart, from Piano Concerto No. 21 in D minor, (chorus)

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