All who desire to serve the Lord in the church life, edify the saints, and build up the church must first realize what Christ has accomplished for us. The reality of His accomplishment exists for us as a realm that is both divine and mystical. Thus, the key to our serving is to abide in this heavenly realm in which the Triune God is accomplishing His purpose.
The date and location of these messages are not known.
Article 1: Treasure the Blessings We Have and Lay Hold On the Common Faith (1)
It is not an easy matter for the Lord to gain what He is after in the churches through the operation of the leading ones. Because the church is in the divine mystical realm, those who lead in the church must do so in the divine mystical realm.
Article 2: Treasure the Blessings We Have and Lay Hold On the Common Faith (2)
Our participation in the divine mystical realm is a matter of organic salvation in three stages: our union in life with Christ, our being mingled with Him in nature, and our being incorporated in His person. Through our participation in the divine mystical realm, we become God’s masterpiece and appreciate the new man.
Article 3: Treasure the Blessings We Have and Lay Hold On the Common Faith (3)
Our appreciation of the right matters brings us into a healthy exercise more than any advice on how to practically carry something out. A proper appreciation will enable us to value and enjoy what the Lord has provided for a healthy church life. Therefore your healthy exercise doesn’t begin with what you do, but with a proper appreciation.
Article 4: Treasure the Lord’s Testimony
In treasuring the Lord’s testimony in your locality, there are four things that require careful attention. First, you must treasure the leadership in your locality. Second you should treasure your assets in the church life: the Spirit, the Word, the saints, and your local church. Third, you must treasure your operation and the operation of all the saints. Finally, you must treasure the local church that practically bears the Lord’s testimony in life.