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Mark Miller
August 27, 2020
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Ruth: Growth Unto Maturity
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Based on Ruth: Growth Unto Maturity by Titus Chu. Get your own copy of this book from the Books page.

Chapter 6: Finding Christ under God’s Arrangement

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?
Ruth 3:1 ESV

Ruth 1-2 shows us much about our Christian experience, especially of our experience of Christ in our local church life. Ruth 3, however, shows us someone maturing, growing into a deeper relationship with Christ Himself. It starts with an older believer caring deeply and genuinely for a younger believer, while also recognizing when Christ moves. It continues with the younger believer obeying the older. Ruth did several things–cleansed herself, consecrated herself, and clothed herself with Christ. Then, in the midst of the night, she gave up her own thoughts for the future to pursue Christ Himself. In turn, Boaz, Christ, was accessible, and he was sweetly startled to see Ruth so in love with Him. May we surprise Christ with a deep, hidden consecration in the midst of the night.

Chapter 7: Preparation in the Night

In this chapter, Titus expands on Ruth’s experience before Boaz in the night. First, she was not manifested–she had to hide herself. In this hiding, she was to watch Boaz. We too must come into a place where our eyes are on Christ, and our actions are dependent on His schedule and moving. Ruth boldly asked Boaz to marry her, and Boaz expressed surprise and pleasure that she did not go after younger men. Christ understands how the world may be more attractive to us than He is; however, He is more precious than all the “young men.” Finally, Ruth’s experience in the night was quite long. We may feel at the verge of giving up before Christ awakes and addresses us. Yet we must stay in the night experience for some more time. In the dawn hours, we are supplied by Christ for our serving ones, and we can rest in knowing that the matter is now in His hands.

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