Those who seek to serve the Lord on a full-time basis face some particular challenges in their Christian life. This series of messages covers basic matters that relate to our person, our seeking of the Lord, and our spiritual operation, for us to serve the Lord effectively.
Article 1: A Religious Living versus Spiritual Reality
In serving the Lord full-time we must be careful to avoid a religious living. Therefore, in this message we consider, on the negative side, some aspects of a religious living, and positively, what it means to have spiritual reality.
Article 2: Being Spiritual in our Practice
If we possess spiritual reality, then we must also have a spiritual expression. That is, we must conduct ourselves spiritually in relation to practical matters such as our labor, in handling church affairs, in finances, and in a number of other matters.
Article 3: Being a Spiritual Person to Serve the Lord Full-time
This message deals with additional matters that a full-timer needs to care for if he is to be spiritual in his service. It also considers four basic matters that determine our spirituality: The Lord’s person, the Lord’s speaking, harmony with God, and being clear on who we are.
Article 4: How to Study the Bible
If we desire to study the Bible properly the first thing we must take care of is our person. We must deal with ourselves so that before the Lord we are one who is simple, consecrated, and spiritual.
Then when our person is right we must take care of our way of coming to the Bible. First, we need to learn the facts, and based on knowing the facts we can go on to receiving inspiration, learning the truth, and, ultimately, having the light of the word.
Article 5: How to Labor on the Campus
This message covers some basic principles of how to serve the Lord on the college campuses, but in doing so offers a number of lessons for all who desire to serve the Lord effectively in preaching the gospel.
Article 6: How to Serve the Lord: The Sense, Nature, and Operation of the Divine Life
Every full-timer must pay attention to the growth in life. Your growth in life will eventually lead you to a maturity in life. Maturity comes from the proper understanding of what life is and how life operates. The divine life we have received includes three things: the divine life with its sense, its nature, and its operation.
Article 7: How to Serve the Lord: Three “E’s,” Three “P’s,” and Three “C’s”
The secret of serving the Lord full-time is to serve according to these three “E’s,” three “P’s,” and three “C’s.” The three “E’s” are for your person: Have Expectations, Exercise, and be Energized. The three “P’s” for your daily life: Pursue, be Perfected, and Preach. The three “Cs” for your labor: In the Church, with the Co-workers, and with Companions.
Article 8: Principles in Serving the Lord Full-time (One)
There are three basic reasons why we serve the Lord with our full-time: To grow in life, to be equipped in the truth, and to develop our spiritual operation. Also, to develop properly we must be careful in handling our time, our disposition, and the work.
Article 9: Principles in Serving the Lord Full-time (Two)
To serve the Lord properly we need three things: The Lord’s presence, a healthy charge, and to be properly related to spiritual companions.
Article 10: Serving the Lord by Taking Care of our Person in Life, Truth, and Operation
To serve the Lord is not a simple matter. In order for you to be a proper person to serve the Lord, you have to grow in life, truth, and operation. This requires that you grow in life, come to have a measure of maturity, and learn how to exercise according to that maturity.