- Enraptured in Your Love— how fresh and new!
Infuse me with Your Love— sweeter, fresher than dew!
Your love (embrace me close) does forward guide;
I revel in Your love, on Your breast abide.
How I yearn, O Lord, to delight in love,
By Your love o’ershadow me.
A banner over me: Your love— Yourself,
For Your love and Yourself are one
- You are my dearest One, my only Love.
Yes, Lord, now You alone are the object of love.
If You redemption give and only love,
I know my heart won’t be fully satisfied.
How I yearn, dear Lord, Your own self to gain,
For I know it’s only You.
It’s You that I pursue, and You are love;
My sole Treasure You are to me.
Words: Titus Chu, 1973, tr. from Chinese, adapted
Music: Yu Jin