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September 28, 2009
This entry is part 284 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Now you are the Body of Christ, and members individually.
— First Corinthians 12:27

In the church life we may not see the matter of headship. We must remember that the church is an organism, not an organization. It is easy for us to consider the church a democracy, but not many of us see the church as an organism. This is exactly what Satan is after. We consider that everyone is free to do what they want, and no one can tell anyone what to do. This is democracy, and this is what Satan utilizes.

An organism has a natural order. This order is set up according to life, not according to arrangement. Both an organization and an organism are organized. But the organism is organized according to life, and the organization is organized according to human maneuvering. For example, my human body is an organism. My hand has always been my hand. It has no right to jump to my face and become a nose. The hand cannot say that it has been created equal with the nose. It was not created equal. The hand is simply the hand. This is not through human maneuvering, but because the body is a healthy organism.

This can be related both to the church life and the family life. In the family life, your husband is your head. Whether he is good or bad, prevailing or defeated, as long as he is under the headship of Christ he is qualified to be your head. The wife has to learn to submit herself to her husband. If her husband’s headship is poor, it is up to the wife to perfect the headship, not to replace the headship.

Adapted from Sisters’ Messages, pages 41-42.

Tomorrow: “Helping Your Husband’s Headship”

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