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August 7, 2009
This entry is part 240 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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For I delivered to you, first of all, that which also I received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He has been raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
— First Corinthians 15:3-4

A true servant of the Lord speaks out of his visions and revelations. Even a young believer has experienced believing into the Lord Jesus as a sinner for salvation, the cleansing of the Lord’s precious blood for the forgiveness of sins, and calling on the Lord’s name and receiving the Lord. Once the Lord has entered, he experiences dying with the Lord and being buried with the Lord. He also experiences being released from the bondage of Satan, sin, and the world. These things become his vision.

In fact, most of Christianity possesses this vision. Some may add, “The Lord loves me, and I love Him.” This is the vision of the majority of believers. Do not think, however, that this is low or shallow. Only those who possess such vision can tell others that they are sinners, that the Lord loves them, and that they need to be born again. Only those who really see this vision can be saved and love the Lord. Even today when I tell someone that he is a sinner and needs to be regenerated, it is still based upon this vision. You may be able to preach to others if you merely have knowledge, but a person can be saved and love the Lord only when he has seen something. If you possess such vision, you can tell people that they are sinners and they need to be born again.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, pages  50-51.

Tomorrow: “The Need for Revelation”

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