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July 23, 2009
This entry is part 227 of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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Your words should be not only healthy words, but even dynamic words, words of burden that become words of revelation to those who hear you. What burdens you of the Spirit and drives you within should be expressed in words of revelation. Such words of burden and revelation produce joy, peace, and a supply of life in those who hear. This is the operation of the Spirit. The words of burden and revelation also enlighten and encourage the saints. Through your speaking, they should experience a further consecration, reviving, a deeper experience of Christ, and a deeper appreciation and devotion in the church life. These are all functions of the Spirit.

In actuality, most of our meetings seem unable to move beyond the operation of the Spirit to have such an effect in the saints. We often experience an enjoyable message, and feel satisfied, joyful, and supplied, but for some reason we do not see people brought to repentance or experiencing much in the way of revival, nor do we see many experiencing an increased love for the Lord or a pursuing after Him, nor a further appreciation and devotion to the church so that their lives are changed.

Adapted from Being One with the Ministry, Volume One, page 31.

Tomorrow: “A Simple Word: Come Home!”

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