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Titus Chu
May 23, 2009
This entry is part 175 of 2576 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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We have to realize that in the moment we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, so many wonderful things happened to us. Formerly we were in a poor and hopeless position, but by being born again we migrated from one “country” to another. We have been transferred into an entirely new position.

Now we can enjoy each of these items that our God has provided for us. We don’t need to struggle to obtain them. We don’t need to make up our mind and do our best to receive them. We don’t need to beg the Lord that we might enter into them. All of these wonderful aspects of our new position belong to us already. Every one of these points should be our joyful proclamation: “I am no longer condemned. I am now justified. I am delivered from the authority of darkness. I am now joined to the Lord. Praise the Lord!” All of these items should be enjoyed by us all the time.

The new position we received is truly marvelous. We should take our new position far more seriously than we do our problems, failures, and limitations. If we truly understood our position, we would forget all about such things. Suppose someone asks us, “Don’t you still have problems, even after being born again?” We should respond, “I don’t care about my problems. I am in the heavenlies.” Suppose someone says, “But haven’t you been rebellious and disobedient to the Lord?” We should reply, “I don’t see that. I only see that I am in resurrection.” If someone tries to remind us, “Haven’t you lost your temper?” we should proclaim, “I don’t know anything about that. But I do know that I have become God’s masterpiece.” How can we say such things? Because the Bible says them. We believe in the word of God and not in our small failures and defeats. We are born again, and God has transferred us into His kingdom. May the Lord grant us to enjoy and experience all the riches of our wonderful new position!

Adapted from Born Again, pages 46-47.

Monday: To be announced

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