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Titus Chu
May 14, 2009
This entry is part 167 of 3099 in the series Daily Words for the Christian Life
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So we who are many are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
— Romans 12:5

After being born again, we may still have the concept that we can live in an individualistic way. But the Bible tells us that we have become the members of Christ. We have all been born again to be members of Christ’s Body. We shouldn’t think, “As long as I take good care of myself spiritually and pray once in a while, I will be okay. I can live the Christian life on my own.” That is a fallen concept. The Lord would respond, “No, that is not My way. That is not why I saved you. You were born again to be a member of My Body. You were saved as an individual, but you have received a corporate life, and I have placed you in a corporate position. You cannot live as an individual any longer.” By being born again we have become the members of Christ. Our new position does not allow us to be individualistic anymore.

Adapted from Born Again, pages 42-43.

Tomorrow: “Fellow-Citizens with the Saints”

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